Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2 nights stay @ Parkway East Hospital

The plan was to have the birth induced on the 8th. I guess not everything goes according to plan. 6am+ on Sunday morning there were some minor pains which we thought might be false alarms. When it didn't go away at 9am I still didn't take it too serious although Mrs WD was already putting on her make-up... I changed and bought her breakfast according to my mum's instructions "she's going to give birth soon might as well eat now so she have more energy for the push" in Hakka dialect. When can she understand that I'm not a good speaker or listener of that language?!?!

When I came home with the breakfast I still wasn't convinced that we were having a baby that day. But the trio of elders sitting in the living room (mum, MIL, uncle) had already decided that we shall have no drama of having a baby at home or in the car so off we went~ took the whole of 7 minutes to reach our destination by 11am. Checked-in and admitted into the delivery ward, the nurses checked and revealed to us that it had already dilated to 4cm and that would have been a good time to have the Epidural injection. Mrs WD bravely rejected the suggestion and we waited for our gynae Dr Heng Tun Lan (very very very famous gynae in the area, nearly everyone we know talks about her for delivery).

Dr Heng came at around noon, had a look and decided that she had enough time for newspaper and a cup of coffee. She even invited me into the staff room for a drink, seeing how nervous I looked. I think it was kind of reassuring that she was so sure of her actions. It had a calming effect knowing your gynae is highly recommended by everyone, including your IVF specialist doctor (Dr Juliana from Mt E, who also has a very strong reputation as an IVF specialist).

By 12:25 Mrs WD was threatening to tear the bed frame off. Thank God it was made of strong materials and even more thank God it wasn't my arm! As I watched her In such pain I nearly wanted to cry. She asked for painkiller but Dr Heng decided that it was too late as the baby was going to arrive soon. One attempt at 1234, another at 1236, still no good. Dr Heng suggested some assistance and Mrs WD was open to any help she could get at this time. Out came the vacuum and out come Baby J @ 12:39pm. A gigantic baby with such a powerful cry and wailing arms and legs.

The happiest thing was to see the baby kicking and crying away. He's been reminding Mrs WD of his presence every night and now we know why she's been feeling the damage from inside. The boy got strong kicks! Relief. Such a relief he was healthy and strong. A long wait in the ward before we were led to our room. By that time our family members were already making their way to the hospital. Between meeting happy family members, dealing with the many doctors and nurses updating us on the baby's status and setting up shop to stay for the night, I didn't really have the time to take in the moment of welcoming my son.

Day in day out Baby J was crying for a meal and he's got strong lungs alright. In between his feeding time we manage to get ourselves fed. The hospital provide 3 main meals a day with at least 2 choices everyday. Mums can also choose post-natal meals. Between meals there are also afternoon tea and supper which usually consist of hot chocolate and a cake. I must have gained a kg or two after 2 nights there.

Checked out at around 1pm today with multiple goodies like bags, diapers, baby clothes and many other things from the hospital and their sponsor partners. We are not complaining but I wonder how families without a car can carry all that stuff home... Hmm....

Now he's sleeping between me and Mrs WD. A small little life who came into our world slightly less than 60 hours ago. I'm quite loss for words on how to express my feelings now. Just 1 week ago I was talking into a bulging tummy hoping to meet this guy soon. Now that he is here I'm really awed by his presence.

What a beautiful thing life is~


Joyce said...

CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful baby photo and a wonderful story.
Never mind whether it was a "good time" according to the almanac. You sound like you will be great, loving parents.
All best wishes to your little one.

WhiteDusk said...

Hi Joyce, thanks for the well wishes~ we need all the help we can get with raising little Baby J. Here's to 20 years of parenthood until the army turns him into a real man for me~

stella said...


congratulations old friend! i bet little J will keep you busy for the longest time but do remember to leave updates about him in your blog as well! cos me not facebooking anymore till further notice! lol. say hi to your wifey tooo! :) happy nappy changing daddy!

your primary school friend.